Thursday, August 09, 2007


I don't know how or why I've been feeling this way - a bit inner-conflicting, a bit angsty, a bit disappointed, a bit just weird. I don't know, but I feel like an outcaste, a loner, a neglected person. Still, most of this is probably my fault. Looking back upon my sec 2 and sec 3 years, I made a lot of decisions that I would have, today, regarded as bad. I guess I will have to remind myself of the lessons I have learnt with regard to those decisions as I face their consequences. The feelings might be exacerbated by a sense of juxtaposition; as I sit adjacent to Russell and Shaun Lee my relative academic weakness is amplified, and for most other things no juxtaposition is needed at all.

tell me where to start. cause it hurts.


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