Friday, August 31, 2007

Numerical Pain // T3 Results

My results have left me with a weird impression. =(
Stupid Geog 65 and Larts 67 led to...

81.8. less than shuan, rene, dyee, henry, jarrel, ximin, johnny, kwong and probably manyother ppl also...

after all what do i have to show for my effort?
just this?a failure, in some senses, by 8.2?

I'm a bit frustrated. But looking on the bright side of things, there are many other things that I can do as a result of not shooting for top place this year anymore. Also I was quite happy to win the individual prize for the intra-sch mathcomp (50/54) and the gold for Math Olympiad this year. Amazingly my Math Comp marks (93%) are higher than my C (92%) and A (87%) Math marks.

For the World Scholar's Cup, I will be working with Daniel and Russell. Our team is pretty good, I think - other than the fact that maybe we aren't so sure why we are a team.

The conversation below may not be word-to-word but I think it reflects the general idea...
Me - "Daniel, why did you want me on your team?"
Daniel - "You're pro in math and science"
Russell - "Why did you want me on your team?"
Daniel - *dunno*
Me - "Music. Oh, and Russell's a nice guy."


I can probably do Science, Math, Econs. Lang Arts won't be a problem cause it's MUGGING, and actually so are Social Sciences and Fine Art. Fine Art is appreciation, not practical, so I'll probably enjoy it quite a bit. For debates I'll hopefully be Proposition//1st Speaker, cause I know it's my strongest, and others like Jarrel think so too, it seems. Depends on issues, really. If they make us debate about a science topic it would be quite interesting.

after all what do i have to show for my effort?
just this?a failure, in some senses, by 8.2?

Granted, I guess didn't put in as much effort as I should. But now it's a thing of the past - with regard to academia all that matters for now is the 50% ahead.


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