Imperishable Night
I probably will be very sleepy tomorrow...
0000 - 0100 Physics Round II Part II
0100 - 0130 break, bathe
0130 - 0300 IHS Round I Part I
0300-- Sleep
4 - no, 3 - days left before the exams begin, and it's about time to take stock of how prepared I think I am for each paper, as at this moment.
Day 1
IHS: I have not done a thing. DIE. 0/10
Larts 1: It's Unseen. Not like I can prepare very much. I just need to reread my more recent commentaries, and remember to stick strongly by PEEP while explaining everything out nicely. 6/10
Day 2
Core Maths I: Should be okay... hopefully. I have no idea how Mr Leek will twist the topics, but it will be arguably interesting to see how he does so. 7/10
Physics I and II: I have gone through this subject 1.5 times, yet I still cannot retain most of the information. Ouch. 5/10
Day 3
Language Arts II: Poems, for I'm staying away from Four Continents. Seriously, the key poems I think are Owen's Dulce et Decorum est, Graves' Two Fusiliers, Tennyson's Brook and Bridges' Hill Pines. I will also look at a few others that deal with subversion - Thomas' Children's Song and Shakespeare's Shall I Compare Thee? - as well as some primarily craftsmanship based poems like Marvell's Coy Mistress, Rossetti's Sonnet and Clare's I Am.
I hope I can do Dulce and Mistress - I've analysed both of the poems in some detail before. 6/10
Chemistry: Gone through once, did quite a few practices, but still... shaky. 6/10
Day 4
A Math I: Hmm. I've done quite a bit of practice, churned out quite-good-but-not-uber-pro results. Haven't got anything above 95 for all the practices, so I'm still a bit rusty. 5/10
Geog: bah. I've only done Population, one topic out of the four that I plan to do. 2/10
Day 5
Core Math II: Similar to CM I. Just see. 7/10
Language B: I got egoboosted after doing the Chinese Practice Paper and pulling a 29.5/30 score for the Comprehensions. But I have no idea on how to do a skilful compo and written response yet, so it's high but not great yet. 8/10
Day 6
A Math II: See AM I. 5/10
Day 7
Computer Studies: My goodness. I have much revision to do, and must prepare for whatever long Essay Question there will be in the paper. I'm also going for 100, further complicating the matter of things... 4/10
There you have it. Now time to bathe and then back to IHS...
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