Tuesday, December 30, 2008

a little something

I was pretty surprised that I could clear this (Subterranean Animism Normal 1CC). I guess after a morning of revising Hedda Gabler a few Touhou runs would be fine, and... the run went pretty well. The late-stages were bad, but most of the stuff prior to it was good.
Stage 1 and 2 were pretty much perfect runs; stage 3 went quite well, think I capped everything except 怪力乱神. Stage 4 was tricky; I believe I died to the midboss pattern as well as to Boundary of Wave and Particle. Capped Flying Insect's Nest, which is pretty much the only of the second half cards that I have a shot at. Stage 5 was tough as always; especially Orin; I think I only captured one card - "Thousand Needle Mountain" or something like that. Stage 6... well... I think (hopefully intelligent) use of bombs and lives got me through it. Interestingly, for me actually I think the most capturable of the final boss patterns is actually the last one - the death on that was completely careless. Finished with 1 life in stock and 2.xx power, I think.
Interestingly this is the first time I've played SA in a while. Then again, doing Hard runs of Imperishable Night as well as Extra runs of my own scripted TNN Touhou seem to have improved my dodging skill.

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