Saturday, March 21, 2009

fall through

I thought things would have been fine after yesterday, but I guess not.

I've been sleeping at about 1-2 every night for the past few nights; and I guess it's because I've been doing work till then. I never expected it to reach the point it did yesterday though; I spent 2 hours in the morning writing the World Lit essay, worked on math port, and then a physics IA. I hadn't fully finished the physics IA (about 90% done), but I just crashed and fell asleep at about 2.30am, almost completely involuntarily. The lights were on, I hadn't brushed my teeth; et cetera. My mind just feels weird - "big, strange and foreign" to the rest of me.


No BS today. It was weird. I went to school at about 8.50 am and I saw only the year 5s in the Primers' Room. I was like - ok, let's call Luke, since he told me yesterday night it'd be at 9 am.

Call 1 - Luke - No response.

I thought, hm, who else might be aware that there might be BS/might not be BS? Well originally when finding a day to go out Russell suggested Saturday after BS, before remembering he had something on then; hence he must have expected there to be BS, so...

Call 2 - Russell - Says Jayne said no BS

To find a 3rd opinion...

Call 3 - Shaun Ong - Not sure, suggests I call Mr Lee

I was going to anyways, but since Russell suggested check with Jayne,

Call 4 - Jayne - No response.

One last time just to check:

Call 5 - Luke - No response.


Call 6 - Mr Lee - No BS today... originally supposed to have, but feeling unwell...

I planned to do some English in school but decided against it (too sian) and just went home to emo and do Econs IA5.

At least term 1 seems to be the toughest term of the bunch...

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