Monday, June 23, 2008


I probably have said somewhere before, that for me most of the physical pain I have experienced over the years is generally of a relatively low order; it tears at you and it hurts, but usually it's only transient; or even when it's not, at least I find myself preserved reasonably in a psychological sense. Mental stress through work, mathematics and the like is of a somewhat higher order, but still not very high, as the stress is still largely easily linked to inanimate external sources... and it's generally transient too. Emotional and spiritual stresses cause the largest ripples, because (for me, at least), they work from the inside out, destroying my psyche and mental constitution along the way.

The exam period is a bad time to face pain of various types, especially given that the exams themselves are a form of mental stress.

I am not making sense anymore as far as I can tell.

English A1 today. was really bad. I did Prose, and wrote on how love remains a powerful emotion regardless of circumstances. Still, I only had 2 major devices (characterisation and setting) and hardly any good elaboration. 5 sides leaving lines is pretty short to moderate-ish... it'd be like 2.5 sides if you don't leave lines...

good/ok/bad/fail: 0/0/1/0.


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