Tuesday, October 28, 2008

focal point

Company Camp was a surprisingly good experience - initially, I wasn't really looking forward to it as it seemed to not fit very well with the Dean's Lists and other classes I'd be having over the previous week as well as this week. Most importantly, I'll remember the four messages that I was around for, shared by the various Officers as well as during Church.

I arrived on the second morning, as a result of having Physics the day before. The first day ran in a rather uncomfortable way, I must admit, seeing as I did not know the other members of Philippi that well at that time. I had a lot of duties, further exacerbating this problem - I was involved in running the Drill War Games for Xi Min, as well as performing carpark ushering. The potluck had an embarrassing mistake (sp? gosh i can't spell simple words) in that we took the scouts' pizza, though it was a good thing that we were able to resolve it relatively quickly. The (third) day wasn't very eventful.

Though the Coy Blog hasn't been launched and I don't know what's going to happen to it, I did receive a compliment with regards to it from one of the Officers who's left the company, and whom I have a lot of respect for, so I guess that brightened my experience to some extent as well.

Through this camp, the things I'll remember are basically the four messages, as well as the worship sessions. In summary, though I did not really enjoy this camp that much (on a transient level), it was spiritually a good experience, and did stimulate me to think about what really matters, after drifting for quite a while.


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