Friday, October 03, 2008

Riverside View

Looking at it, it's just 2 more real exam days and it'll be over.

I feel bad; this end has come too soon for me I think. Typically, exams mark the end of the academic year for me, and hence I'll reflect on what I did, taking the point of view of schoolwork. Academically, I've backslid this year in many ways than one. The concentration and efficient use of time and resources present in sec 4 just doesn't feel right anymore.

Perhaps it was 4.9. The heavily competitive environment there made doing well in pretty much anything a decent challenge. Then again, 5.14 is one of the best environments for me to be in as well, if you want to look at it that way - judging from the PSC scholarships thingy, our class has 3 out of 8 (ridiculous overproportion) places. However, a net result is still that I've not been paying so much attention to academics and my work, but this is not just about 4.9 or 5.14...

This can be partially attributed to somewhat increasing involvement in the BB as well as in the two Olympiad teams. However, in the end I really do wonder, at times, what I have gained from these experiences. With regards to BB; there have been many times that I find that I'm doing things because they're there, as a duty cause of chairman position or technical skill, without seeing how they come into play in creating a big picture. Being involved in Logistics and the company blog do seem to be largely individual/small-group projects, anyway. The Olympiad knowledge is good, yet at times it still feels very disconnected, probably because I haven't been able to attend much of my Physics trainings, and much of the topics discussed for Math are either rather broad topics (e.g. series and sequences, AP-GP, trigonometric identities) that can be linked up, or small ones for which this is hard (e.g. pigeon hole principle, Chinese remainder theorem).

In any case, there are 2 more exam days left, both important HL papers (math-2 and comp science) so I'll try and do my best to make the most of them.

going for 100 for paper 2 after the crap paper 1,

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