Monday, November 19, 2007


Sometimes I question my own productivity during the holidays.

I know I should be relaxing.
However, the gross unproductivity feels weird.
Yet, when I pick up my IB chem book and start reading
I don't really feel like doing Chem.
Even math or phys are boring...

I also have been thinking about several other issues;
The more I think, the worse they seem to be.
Issues of relationships, issues of faith, issues of epistemology...

I can't really write very much now. My mind seems fairly blank. I'll write a semi-essay on thinking too much and/or Shoot the Bullet the next time I post.

The lyrics below are from a song I listened to recently. I sort of like it.

where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
somewhere along in the bitterness
and I would have stayed up with you all night
had I known how to save a life


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