Tuesday, January 08, 2008

IB Stress

Our school did very well for the IB exams...

Which means I have to revise my target. New target: 45.

That means I have to get a 7 in Lang Arts SL (sch average: 5.5). I think I'll take tuition and work as hard as I can to realise the 7 if possible... while still watching out for the rest of the subjects as though the averages are like 6.1 to 6.94 I mustn't get too complacent. Bonus points are going to be tricky also (sch average: 1.99, at least near there), so I think I'll aim for an A in both EE and TOK, doing a Comp Studies EE and pushing for 48 marks (34+14) for TOK...

I'm quite disturbed about the grades for EE and TOK because other than ISO in Year 3, for me my ISO and POD teachers in Year 3 and 4 were VERY lenient (*cough* 100% for final essay in Y4?? seriously...)



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