Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This post has to do with homework, actually. The weird thing is that there is a lack of motivation for me to be productive despite the like 14 unfinished things that I copy over to the next day every morning, mostly because most of them are due a while off, and for some of them, like A Math Misc Ex 21, I think I can get rid of them relatively quickly when they're needed.

In some way this reminds me of the Hegelian synthesis theory (I can't remember what it's called, but basically.... Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis --> Thesis II, Thesis II + Antithesis II = Synthesis II etc) The first thesis is the drive to do ALL homework ASAP. Its antithesis is the drive to RELAX and do NONE of it. Most of us are neither - we lie somewhere between the two, as a result of a long chain of these decisions - maybe not consciously.

There was an occasion recently in class where Hsieh Wen said that I had the 'right' not to pay attention in A Math, Physics and basically, from what I draw, whatever subjects you're good in. Yet, Juzzie, who overheard it, said there is no such 'right'.

Personally, I believe that I have the option, as everyone has, to not pay attention in a subject. However, right seems very excessive for me, and I think that it's quite rude to NOT pay attention in class, even though I should admit that there have been occasions where I did ignore the lessons.


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