Monday, January 19, 2009

examples and samples

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
-- 1st Timothy 4:12


One thing I've been doing for the past few days, or actually for quite a while already, I would think, would be to aim to set an example for others, whether this be in schoolwork or wherever else. This is probably not a product of knowing of the existence of this verse; it's just that this verse came to mind quite strongly today.

I would be inclined to say that to some extent there are areas where I've been trying hard, and if the impressions I've received from Mr Dumortier and Mr Eric Wee are being interpreted correctly, to some extent I might be partially succeeding. Still something just feels rather exasperating about all of this business... What I mean by exasperating is that the reactions I get seem to evoke some degree of queer estrangement. I guess this is to some extent natural yet estrangement distances myself from what should be my purposes in aiming to set an example.

I'm not sure why. Perhaps I'm just going about it for the wrong reasons (personal glory, pride, who knows) rather than because I really want to possibly exhibit some form of a positive influence on the lives of others, or because I want to truly glorify God. I'm not one to be inclined to believe that it is completely wrong to try and influence others... However doing so for the wrong reasons certainly isn't a good thing. So maybe it might be right that I'm getting the non-reactions I'm getting.

There was a day, a few weeks ago, where I stayed behind after school to talk to a close friend. It might seem a bit unusual, but I asked him what about me striked him the most, as a person in general. He said that I have the ability to focus when I want to... Seems somewhat true, thinking about it, yet there are times when I think this focus can be misguiding me, like what is going on presently.

Life, love, faith and purity. In my case, I guess that translates to general conduct, relationships and spiritual conduct as well (for the last two). I figure that as much as I think that I can do a reasonable job in some of these areas, I also need to realise that I still have a lot to learn. I should still be doing my best in these areas, and consequently hopefully in some way setting an example for others...



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