Saturday, January 17, 2009

white noise, black noise

serious discussion, walk away, walk back -
integrate sin four x dx, bio IA, physics IA.
2 by 2s, 3 by 2s, 36 seconds -

appearances and reality.
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, confirmation bias. recognised.
unwritten laughs, 10 beats 9, queen beats jack...

regimentation/respect of communication -
allegiance, labelling, intelligence...?
wrong point, try another checkpoint. unreverse psychology, even degrees -

temptation, greed, gluttony, two chocolates -
guitarist, silent melody of refreshment.
philosophy, pessimism, perfectionism -

dissolution to recreation, find d crotchet d x.
sitting on rocks, more anecdotes of life -
group shot, back row, concealment, fade.

regrouping, silence, dissonance -
warmness, coldness, analogy.
punishment of the serious and the focused -

I realised an emotion that bears yields a deep sense of happiness is one of connection.



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